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- Sam Pynn on When to Stop Painting a Slanted CeilingFlashback to when Sam Pynn settled a cohabitation dispute involving a slanted popcorn ceiling, that went a little something like this...From Marilyn: This is a bedroom that is going to be painted soon and there is a disagreement about the slanted portion as to whether it should be painted as part of the wall or […]
- Good Samaritan Offers Free Repairs to Family Heirlooms Damaged in Japan’s Recent EarthquakeHow’s this for a #feelgoodfriday: a good samaritan in Japan has offered free repairs to all family heirlooms damaged during April’s earthquake. Kunio Nakamura is trained in the traditional Japanese art of pottery repair, known as Kintsugi. Through his twitter account, Nakamura offered his services to those wishing to repair their cherished family heirlooms. Nakamura […]
- Sam Pynn Saves a Dated Kitchen from Too Much WoodOverwhelmed by wood? This homeowner definitely is. Luckily Home To Win star Sam Pynn is here to help with her trademark sage advice…Denise’s kitchen From Denise: Dear Samantha, We bought our house from my in-laws and I HATE my kitchen. We are painting our cabinet doors an off-white color — the same color that's in […]
- Sam Pynn’s Advice for a Dated Stucco FacadeDavid from Toronto wrote in to looking to get advice on siding options for his family home. David and I exchanged a few emails when he pulled out the real talk and confessed that his wife is less than happy with the new black windows he convinced her on, and that if we don't […]
- Scott McGillivray Says Do This with Old Kitchen CabinetsThe man who needs no introduction, Scott McGillivray, is flashing his irresistible smile in our super exciting new series Home To Win! To bring you even more of the hosts you love, we’re revisiting some of their most popular advice in our Design Dilemma series, beginning with the time that Jen Z. wrote in to […]
- Toronto Outraged Over Amazing “Boat” TreehouseImage courtesy of Peter J. Thompson/National Post Toronto-based John Alpeza built his kids the backyard treehouse of their dreams but got an ugly wake-up call when he was told by the city to dismantle it. A general contractor, Alpeza invested three years in the 32m² (108 square feet) cedar structure’s elaborate construction, spending an estimated $30,000 […]
- My Bad Back and I Tried Out a Bed-in-a-Box and Here’s What HappenedImage courtesy of Casper What’s a bed-in-a-box? In the last few years there’s been a mini-revolution in the business of retailing mattresses. Companies such as Casper (one of the first) and its contemporary Leesa, followed by (strikingly) similar brands such as Endy (Canadian) and Yogabed, have made it their fight to do away with the ‘nuisance’ […]
- Summer Will be Meaningless Without a Giant Pool FloatIt seems these days that whatever makes for a good Instagram, makes for a great trend. When fashion bloggers began posting shots of their #bikinibods, our eyes glazed over their teeny tiny bikinis and went straight for the oompa loompa pool floats. From elegant inflatable swans to drool-inducing doughnuts, giant pool floats are the must-have […]
- Toronto Becomes First City in NA to Mandate Green Roofsgardinergreenribbon.comToronto is well on its way to becoming Canada’s Emerald City, thanks to a bylaw that requires green roofs on new construction. Residences, commercial and institutional buildings over 2,000 square metres must have a roof that’s 20-60 percent “living.” Green/living roofs are partly or completely covered by vegetation, planted into a growing medium and sitting […]
- Do These 4 Things in Your Garden at First Sign of SpringThe experienced gardener tends to eye any newly sprouting green in the touch-and-go months of March and April with caution: one never knows when winter can lob a final freeze. But as soon as your spidey senses tell you that the warmth is here to stay, do these four, simple things in your garden to […]